Now Creditors Can Apply for Directors to be Declared Delinquent – Why is That Important?

“He who is quick to borrow is slow to pay” (Old proverb) A recent High Court decision means that, for the first time, creditors of debtor companies are specifically cleared to apply for the company’s directors to be declared “delinquent” in certain circumstances. And that has significant implications for both directors and creditors. For directors…

Debt Collection – Two Recovery Options

“Creditors have better memories than debtors” (Benjamin Franklin) How well you manage your debtors’ book, and how successful you are in actually collecting monies due to you, should always be a management priority. It can spell the difference between a successful, profitable business and a failed one. If you are new to the game (the…

Don’t Give a Loan or Credit to Anyone (Not Even a Friend) Without Legal Advice!

“The requirement that credit providers must be registered allows for their control and regulation, especially in relation to their financial probity and integrity, thereby avoiding the unscrupulous exploitation of credit consumers by so-called fly-by-night operators and loan sharks.” (Extract from judgment below) A recent High Court case highlights once again the dangers of lending money,…